How to Love

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 KJV

4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

In a previous teaching we (ihlcc) spoke about “Love the Foundation for Life”. In that teaching we discussed how all people need the Love of God and it is God’s Love for us that models our love for others. The simple conclusion mentioned that only a truly born-away Christian can live a love life pleasing to God simply because a child of God can act (and be) like God. Once we have obtained God’s Love we can share Him with others and we can properly know how to love ourselves as God loves us. In today’s lesson we briefly speak on “How to Love”. This topic cannot be taken lightly (for granted) because you would be surprised at how many people in the Body of Christ have no idea on “how to love” others. Many bona fide Christians think that going to a Christian church pretty much meets the basic salvation needs of their responsibilities to God. They presume that as long as they don’t do anything mean or ungodly to another person they ought to be in good standing with God. This sounds reasonable but it is not what the Holy Bible teaches. Man doing good works to obtain favor with God is doctrine of many worldly religions in a nut shell. As Christians we count on the good works of Jesus (His Precious Blood, His sacrifice, His obedience, etc….) to our claim of personal favor with God solely because we are in Christ Jesus. If you remember in our previous lesson it stated that all men will know you are My Disciples by the love you display toward them. Thus, if we are commanded by God to Love one another we must know “how to Love” others. We (ihlcc) cannot explain all the many ways there are to love others but we can share what we do, as God’s Little Children, to love others. The teaching we received from a well-known charismatic leader basically said, “Any step outside of Love is a step into the wrong direction, hence it is a step into sin.” We know some people don’t realize the severity of not walking in God’s Love but they should. Starting at the very basic principles of God’s Love we must identify with Jesus by having His attitude of being willing to suffer for the sake of others. This means we do not live for ourselves but rather we live for Christ Jesus and those others on earth who need His Great Love. If you accept the idea that Jesus died (suffered greatly) for our sins you will have to conclude that suffering for the sake of another is a part of your Christian heritage. Equipped with that mindset first, you then need to study God’s Word on the awesome subject of God’s Love. You see, our faith friend, just reading and pondering the verses above you can start to see (understand) God’s Great Love. By substituting the Word “God’s Love” in place of “Charity” you will be reading God’s resume on love. Yes, the word charity was only used to denote that it is freely given as a gift as opposed to earned or expected. Yes, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him should not parish unto death but rather be saved unto to everlasting life.-John 3:16 When you start reading the whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 13 and stay with that chapter day-in and day-out you will start realizing this is exactly how you should be with God and all others. We (ihlcc) have read those verses many times only to discover the necessary areas of improvement we desperately need down here on this earth. We find it very discouraging that many of our brothers and sisters in Christ, are not longsuffering or kind with no desire to change. Yes, other believers are envious, prideful and act dishonorable to people in authority on their job and even those that govern this country. We (ihlcc) do not believe that we have to agree with a leader to be honorable concerning the person and office they are called to. Since Love always considers the other person first we find it hard to believe dishonorable unkind words are spoken to sincerely help the person they are pointed at when that person is not even present (around) when the unkind words are being spoken. Yes, the list could be a lot longer for naming all that Christians should not do but we want to highlight the attributes of God’s Love because that is what each believer should do. Yes, studying the fruit of the Spirit of God (not so much the gifts, but rather the fruit mentioned above) will give you a clear picture of where you are at in your love walk according to godliness. If you can’t demonstrate the above named behavior to your fellowman (no matter who the person is) you need to grow-up in Jesus Christ until you can. The love walk is not for the faint of heart nor is it for the doubtful mind but rather it is definitely for the mature in Christ and those striving to be as Jesus Christ. Yes, being filled with the Holy Spirit with the outward evidence of speaking in diverse tongues is a benefit but it only matures those who apply this greater measure of the Holy Spirit to Love. Yes, going to church with the purpose of learning more about God is good but that too only works when you look to love those people you fellowship with and still love even those who don’t care for you. Yes, prayer to God is good and holy and right but it has little or no profit when your words lack the fragrance of love with a sincere heart to help hurting people. Yes, we would even go so far as to say if you don’t love others we (ihlcc) doubt that you love God. Since God is Love you must produce love to imitate Jesus Christ, thus a true discipline indeed. In essence we are stating to love others you must first be willing to suffer in the flesh, including dying to selfishness. Secondly, you must study the subject of love unto performance to be a doer of God’s Word. Thirdly you must be a person of sincere (pure) motives and one who obeys God when you clearly know His Will. This just means your humble enough to listen for God’s guidance and your strong enough to do exactly what the Lord tells (or guides) you to do. The believer who sincerely listens for God’s direction will clearly hear the Lord instructions. If you know right up front that it is all about doing God’s Will not your own personal works you can suffer (crucify) only once when making the firm decision of godliness rather than several times when you reconsider the decision several times during the year. Yes, dear faith friend, be committed to Christ today by living for others by being prepared to die daily, yes even today. Study God’s “Agape” Love and be intent (determined) on living God’s Love through (or by) expressing Him to others. Yes, study to prove yourself a workman unto God very familiar with scriptures (especially love) because that is exactly what God will use to minister to others. Thirdly trust God enough with your life that obedience to Him (His Will, His Word) is not optional. Serving God is a part of our deep love for Him so don’t be deceived into thinking that God is OK with a little disobedience as long as we don’t commit a major sin (murder, robbery, elicit sex, etc…). No, our faith friend, any step outside of love is a step inside of sin. Love never condones sin He simply speaks the Truth in Love. Therefore be as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove by practicing God’s Love on your fellow man and your Father God in Heaven (and in your Heart). Since we now know “How to Love” it must be the time for manifesting God’s Love to all those we can in Jesus Name. Amen!